Public Resources Academic Freedom, Free of Expression on Canadian Campuses, and Institutional Neutrality. This document was prepared to help faculty learn about and strengthen academic freedom on Canadian campuses. A Primer for Canadian Faculty on Steps to Take to Address Incidents of anti-Jewish Hate Speech or Harassment on Campus. This document is an updated resource that offers support to faculty so they can combat antisemitism whether it occurs in public spaces, to students who are seeking help, from colleagues, from administrators, or from faculty unions. NECA responds to the “No IHRA” campaign issued by the Academic Alliance Against Antisemitism, Racism, Colonialism, and Censorship in Canada (ARC), which partnered with Independent Jewish Voices (IJV) to repudiate the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance Working Definition of Antisemitism. This document was prepared to correct the misinformation and disinformation about the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) working definition of antisemitism. The IHRA is the consensus definition of antisemitism adopted by the Canadian government as part of their antiracism strategy and strengthens Jewish inclusion in Equity, Diversity and Inclusion. REACT Model The REACT model provides a succinct set of actions that University leaders, EDI officers, Human rights officers, faculty and others on campus can take to ensure that Jewish and Israeli students are afforded the same protections and freedom of expression as other students.